
I desire to do your will, my God; your law is within my heart.” Psalm 40:8 NIV

Senior Homecoming with my best friends couldn't have been any better!
My dress was red and snatched for $10 at a thrift store in my town. I pulled out a needle and thread and did some work for a few hours to have my result. I'm pretty happy with it really, nothing beats ten bucks!

My Night.

My hot date.

Car ride to Madison's for pictures!

Best friends lookin' gorgeous!

Friends since the first grade!

Dad and momma make an appearance. So grateful for them!

Stopping traffic for our senior group picture! Loving my small town life only for tonight.

And off to Longhorn Steakhouse for the perfect prime rib before a night full of dancing!

Overall tons of fun, great DJ, and a perfect night with my boy! 
Such a perfect way to kick off senior year!!

Dress: Thrifted (Community Aide)
Heals: Payless? Recycled from freshmen homecoming! :)
Handsome Thomas: New Jersey

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