Why I Haven't Been Blogging: the Truth.

Hello from college.
Its me here. Long time no blog. Yikes.

So what can I say really...
I went through a period of time where I didn't know what to say or what to use this space for. Then I realized it can be anything I want it to be.

I took a step back from my school work and created a platform of sharing that might be more consistent for me.

I miss posting on my blog. I love fashion and while I'm developing my own style, I'd like to be a sort of foundation for inspirational outfits others create. That is the reason I found the blog world in the first place.
I want a community of encouragers who can go through life together.
I see my creative outlet no longer being neglected.

But my current state of posting randomness made me feel uncomfortable with my content, and a bit disorganized with my entire blog.

A little structure is good.

I am still in the dreaming and detailing process pertaining to the future structure of this blog. I am hopeful for the future.