Bad Hair Cut

I had a whole post written out today before I remembered what I wanted to talk about!

Have you ever had a bad hair cut? I have the worst luck with haircuts and etc. One time it was cut like a little german boy. The next time a lady dyed half of my hair bleach blonde when I asked for an ombre. Then when I asked for it to be cut and colored, I got golden hair and a 12-year old hair cut.
Sometimes my life feels like a bad hair cut. Sometimes things suck and people don't help.
Last week I found myself really upset about my future. To be honest I'm not crazy about the college I go to and looking at my alternative options really stresses me out. These are major, life - altering decisions people. Like how am I supposed to know all of this stuff? Ok, I have a general direction. Well, I have about 5 different general directions. I get frustrated about this stuff because I feel like no one is helping me with this or cares. On top of all of my stressful future stuff, I was angry about my hair cut that costs way too much money and wasn't what I wanted at all. So I looked up a few videos and CUT MY OWN HAIR. That's when I realized, sometimes most times you have to take your own scissors and cut your own damn hair. Thats life too for me. Nothing gets done until I figure it all out, take my own scissors and make it happen. I like my hair.

So yeah. I've got my scissors with me. Watch out world.

Don't get me wrong, I don't have it figured out. I'm not even close to knowing what I want to do next. But, I know I have control and God's got my back so I'm good.


Tall Grass

Hello Internet! Long time no post. But I refuse to give up! I refuse to give in! I've had dreams and goals for my blog and I can feel them starting to take place (dances to beat of heart). So yeah I wanted to go back to where I began on this blog with outfits! I followed blogs before that were amazing, but all of the outfits had a price tag equal to my college tuition. That just won't do. I wanted to bring it back to show some online inspo and how I am adapting my wardrobe and using my non-existent budget to make it work. So Wednesday's will just be outfits and everything clothes!

Babydoll dresses are really popular this summer. Unfortunately I am too tall to wear things as dresses. Luckily ripped jeans are trending too so I can get away with these babies!

He didn't give me a chance to smile but it's alright because he smiling enough for the both of us. 

Shirt: Cotton On $5
Pants: American Eagle Jeans (3yrsold)
Shoes: Arizona Jeans Recent Thrift

Keep an eye out for a thrift haul soon!