
I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. For in him you have been enriched in every way—with all kinds of speech and with all knowledge— 1 Corinthians 1:4-5

So I finally visited Evangel University in MO last weekend.
So just a few general thoughts on my visit;
everyone dresses the same
the north side of town is ghetto
the campus is beautiful (sorry no pictures :( )
small children on planes are not ideal
plants don't belong in hotels
student life at EU is nice
I forgot to see the library

So not gonna lie, I was excited to visit this school....
I might be embarrassed about it.

But the initial visit and tour was weird and uncomfortable not only for me, but the rest of the other kids visiting as well. I felt vulnerable and like a freshman eating lunch in the cafeteria for the fist time. Flashback to freshman year, I didn't exactly know how the lines worked so I just ate pasta everyday. That wasn't the feeling I had at this visit. Flashback to freshman year, I dropped a hot tray of pasta with creamy alfredo sauce on my silver flats in front of a largely populated upperclassmen area, who all proceeded with a loud "oooooooo" in unison of course. That feeling, in that moment, was what that visit felt like, alone and embarrassed at how uncomfortable I was. 

I thought it would get worse as I stayed considering the circumstances. The overnight visit with my host actually put me at complete ease and made me really love the college. My student host was super sweet and lovely. If you know me at all, I'm not exactly a shy person so it was cool to carry on a conversation and laugh with a stranger and skip the awkward were-not-really-good-friends-yet stage in friendships. You know what I'm talking about. 

This was in the middle of my hotel.. Random and super inconvenient to duck under every few feet.

The Fantastic Caverns visit! Found these weird hats and weird guy in the gift shop.
Hi Dad.

We planned to stay in MO until Sunday (thurs-sun). On Saturday we passed James River Church and I was like hey, JRLC yo, we gots to go. Okay I didn't exactly say that.. but since we were there for a Sunday we figured why not! We drove into a confusing parking lot and followed the crowd. Going to JRC was like what a school of fish must feel like, swimming all together in the colossal ocean. Except it was the flow of people we were following in the massive building with a million other things happening and people doing their jobs and routines. Such a different experience to come from small town church to the 4th largest AG church in the nation. Props to you, James River, props to you. 

Things ended up going a little out of plan. (Not cool for my perfectionist personality)
A series of unfortunate events caused our flights to be canceled and delayed and everything you never want to happen at the airport, including waiting for 4 hours, happened. Well, not everything. By Monday night, I was at home and completely exhausted! I tried getting my mom to take a picture of my outfit in the airport, but she doesn't do well with technology. :) So here's some makeshift pictures! 

On the plus, I got two pretzel packets. The man next to me was giving me the most unkind looks I've ever seen while I was taking this picture. Haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate. By the time I made it home, it was Monday night and I was scrambling to get all of my work semi-together. Which was impossible. Considering my trip was packed full, I did not exactly have time to do all of the homework I was assigned. Yet, I don't think my teachers understood that. It's Friday and I'm still up to my ears with homework, though on the verge of tears, I push through the late points and missing assignments because I'm doing my best, and that's all I can do.

Sweater: Forever 21
Denim Oxford: Forever 21
Green Necklace: Thrifted
Black Jeans: American Eagle
Shoes: Doc Martens Cherry Red 1460

Current Listens: Live at the Barn, Rachel Skrobot


John 3:16

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
My time has slipped away from me and for awhile, I haven't been able to grab it back. If I'm not at school, I'm at work. If I'm not at work, I'm at cheerleading. If I'm not at cheerleading I'm doing a million other things and the way things go, I'm not home until it is dark outside. Soo keep an eye out for my night series! The only reason I shot this this morning was because I was awake and we had a two-hour delay. YAY. But for real, every time I forget and show up.. every single time. Sorry it's been a weekish, I haven't put aside enough time... Oops

This Week;

This week I'm journeying out to Missouri with mes parents to visit Evangel, where I was recently accepted. So excited for the college process to be moving forward. Opening up this new chapter is super exciting. I'll also be putting in my two week notice this week for the fourth time. It's actually going to happen this time! I promise. 

Also my dreams of the chess team have been shot down the gutter (sad). I talked it over with my cheerleading coach who told me I couldn't miss any of her practices, and therefore there will be no chess for me. I really wanted one of those cool t-shirts.

It's also Brittni Blanks birthday (my bestfriend). 

I recently splurged on some cherry red 1460 Doc Martens which I may have replaced my significant other with.. (just joshin' love ya Tom!) But forreal, some deep cherry red love right there. 

Black Necklace: Target
Jean Dress: American Eagle Outfitters
Grey Knit Cardigan: Gap
Black Braided Belt: H&M
Polkadot Tights: Ann Taylor
Shoes: Cherry Red 1460 Doc Martens

Outfit inspiration that looks way better on her..
p.s. I'm now posting on Mondays and Fridays yay!