Year of New

Last year was my year of peace and peaceful it was. I learned so much about peace and God's peace over my life. It was a refreshing year after so much chaos to get to where I am, I an only see the impact of this word in hindsight. Always funny how that works.

Every year I pray for a word over my year that I can focus on and that I feel like God is going to work on in and through me.

I felt like God was telling me at the beginning of the year that this year would be my year of "new."

I actually forgot about this until I re-visited this blog. I missed this little personal project/outlet I used to be able to go to. When I first started using this blog, I was documenting outfits and style just because I thought it was fun and I had just started taking photos so it was a good way to get out and start creating images. After awhile it turned into experiences and a form of documentation of events and after that it became a class project for two classes. I was posting more consistently but everything for school that wasn't voluntary always felt like work.

While I am happy I have a lot of these photo stories and articles, I feel like it's time for me to regain control... and with that ... I have no intentions for this space. I actually kind of hope no one reads this or stumbles upon it and if they don't, even better. :)

This is my space to write, have an outlet, and remember these seasons. I love having these memories to look back on. I'd love to continue it for that reason.

Welcome to my journey. Welcome to my year of "new." This is where I'll look back and remember it.