Trying "The Farmer's Dog"

So We've been searching and searching for a good food option for Mr. Copeland.

When we first brought him home we were on a kibble diet, but of course, after learning more about kibble and how not helpful it is for doggos, we nixed that from our options and only have it on hand for emergencies. If you're curious about the kibble and effects it has on dogs, go ahead and watch "Pet Fooled" on Netflix - it may change your mind about what you feed your pup!

We then tried a raw diet through Instincts pet food, but there wasn't a lot of information about the ingredients. While he LOVED this food and jumps for joy every time we get it ready for him, after more reading, it's really hard to determine if he's getting all of the nutrients he needs as a puppy from eating raw. Plus, it's super freaking expensive to buy supplements for dogs only to wonder whether or not they are actually getting everything they need.

So here we are researching all of the dog food options possible. Currently I see the most benefits from a cooked and regulated diet from food delivery services. Guess what - there are a million and 5 to choose from. We looked at the Farmer's Dog, Darwins (raw), Spot & Tango, and more. It was an exhausting search. After crunching some numbers, it seemed as if Spot & Tango was the cheapest service for us, but I had more personal recommendations for the Farmer's Dog and just felt better about it.

So, we've made our first trial order for the Farmer's Dog and it should arrive around Nov. 7th. We'll do another follow up post then. If you've been looking around and want to try a food delivery service, you can use this code for a free box of food no strings attached!: (

I think eventually I may go back to RAW for Copeland if I can do more research and get a better understanding of what he'd need, but for now we'll see how this works out!

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