Bringing Copeland Home - Puppy Diaries

We got a dog!

Tom and I have been searching for a dog for a while and we honestly did not expect to get a puppy. We were looking at rescue dogs but we did not qualify with most of the adoption agencies. Why? Because we don't own our own home and we don't have a fenced-in back yard. But we do have a loving home environment, plenty of time to take pup to the park and outside, and so much love to do what's best for the dog. Sometimes I feel disappointed in myself knowing what I know now about the system but after talking to my cousin, Krista, she reassured me that the most important thing is the dog and doing what's best for him now.

Sept 6th. DAY ONE

We picked up Copeland on Friday, September 6th, from the pet store in town.
(I'm not going to link anything to them because since bringing him home we've found out a lot of things that we do not agree with - I knew pet stores were not great but I really trusted them because they were family-owned and local)

When we picked him up he was timid and scared of everything

When we first took Copeland to the vet, we found out he had ear infections and ear mites. The poor pup was struggling since day one!

Sept. 7th Day 2
So on day two, we took it pretty easy during the day. Tom had to go to work aka shoot a wedding all day and my mom was having people over for a funeral reception for my aunt. Copeland came with me that night to my moms and was such a good boy! Everyone swooned over him and his cuteness obviously and he stayed near me the entire time. He slept at my feet and walked around a bit but never went too far. He was still pretty scared of everything but quickly warmed up to people. 5 weeks later and I think this was the best thing we could have done for him. He now knows that people are friends and he's super friendly to everyone he meets.

Sept. 8th : Day 3
It was a Sunday and I was off to a bridal shower. Leaving my dog baby for the first time (only for a few hours) was harder than I expected. I thought I'd find some small relief from cleaning up after him etc. but I just wanted to be home with him cuddling.

Sept. 9th : Day 4
Monday we tried getting ourselves back to work and seeing how things would go with Copeland at home with us all day. He was really good and mostly just sleeps. We spend a lot of time outside to let him exercise and play. He loves digging in the sand and following us around. At this point, he was only about 6/7 pounds of fluff and so short. We are so excited about the start of this new journey!

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