Coffee Mondays: Valentines Day!

Wow! I'm reflecting on my Valentine's Day last year, I remember how even though Tom and my date night didn't go as planned, we made the best of some chocolate milk and Mulan.

Earlier in my Valentine's, I had a group date in town with some friends which was such a blast! We played some charades on our smart phones. We constantly had to keep quieting ourselves down so we wouldn't disturb the other customers around us.

After our awesome friends date, I came back to my dorm and got a pizza with Shana, my dorm neighbor. We watched Pride & Prejudice and ate food and chocolate covered strawberries and had fun. It was a really great as a prelude to my date night! The love festivities were everywhere this year!

I did not go into this year having high expectations (I am crazy that way). The week leading up to Valentine's Day, Tom's car broke down and we had just bought tickets for Seattle and blah blah blah. We are so broke it's not even funny.

We were blessed by one of our close friends who was able to make a Valentine's date possible. We ended up going to Iron Hill Brewery and it was amazing!

We were able to laugh our booties off while eating great food. It's relaxed times like that date when neither of us have worries or deadlines and can just enjoy each other's presence when I am reminded how amazing Tom is.

Though I am spoiled every single day, this was the best Valentine's day I've had so far!


1 comment

  1. Love this, Emily. You are such a sweet couple.
    It's so exciting you guys are going to Seattle! The money stuff will all even out -- just enjoy the adventures! :)
