I Am Back & The Best Mrs. Clause

Matthew 1:21

She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.

 Merry Christmas!

So where have I been? Um really busy, with a ton going on.
The snow comes and goes but my blessings are abundant.
The surprise of the season came earlier this week with a visit from my sister and brother-in-law. Kate's my best friend and I had no clue she was coming until the day before she arrived.
Also my incredible handsome boyfriend visited this week and stayed until Christmas, and comes back at the end of the week. I miss him often and feel as if he should never leave, :) but that's just me being selfish and not wanting to share him. Anyway, I got some great gifts for my family and am still engulfed in so much joy from all of this company. Within this past week I was also keeping 3 mice in my room for an experiment. Mouse number 3, Houdini, escaped out of his multi-colored cage in the dead of night at exactly 2am every morning, frightening whoever found him. He was such a cute fella though so I forgave him. The mice are gone and it's now time to finish a vast amount of school work and fun while my whole family is here. What a great week it's been. 

Oh! And let me explain my Mrs. Clause gig. The long week before school let out, there was a costume contest for Santas, Mrs. Clauses, and Elves. Peers voted by putting money in each jar to thee person  they judged was best. I foolishly decided to participate in this contest and have my picture hang in the school cafe for a week. Lovely. Though, it wasn't as dreadful as one would think, considering my good friend Madison was doing it with me, but for the Santa category. Well this is my "costume" for Mrs. Clause, including Happy, of course!! What's a blog post without him? :)


Some of the many attempts. 

I went for the "Modern Mrs. Clause" style because who wants to buy a costume for $60? No thanks!

Madison's Santa Costume!

Well it was all worth it in the end because we won! 
My crown was a wreath, and my cane, was my prize. I don't regret participating because of the bonding experience Madison and I had while running around town trying to find her a costume. After a half hour we gave up and ate some 5Guys. Honorable? I think yes. Hey, a girl's gotta eat. We eventually put together her outfit with clothes from her closet, just like mine!

Modern Mrs. Clause Outfit;
Red Dress: Cotton On
Blue Sweater: Hollister
Black Belt: H&M
Apron: my kitchen
White Knit Scarf: American Eagle
Leg Warmers: DIY cut off of old sweater
Black Boots: Charlotte Russe
Homemade Cookies: me slaving away in the kitchen
Homemade Cookies Below: Lisa Page

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