10 Ways To Fight Senioritis

Proverbs 12:27
The lazy do not roast any game, but the diligent feed on the riches of the hunt.

This is a post directed towards myself. Maybe it can help.

It all began at the start of senior year. I had visited my two top colleges and checked out of my first semester. Not to mention I was engulfed in sports drama, working at Wendy's, and an awful academic mix of College English and College Bio.
So writing papers and sitting in a class where everything is going over your head... not my idea of a good time. I ended up getting crappy grades and quit my job so I could focus more on school. Which was really awesome because it gave me so much peace and a lot more time to enjoy myself and my friends/family before I head off for college. By that time, I was done visiting colleges and remembered that high school work is still present and kicked senioritis in the butt. Or so I thought....

As the school year is coming to an end (how did that happen?!?) and the senioritis is creeping in behind me, I find myself thinking more about meatballs than the derivative of sin(x). It's cos(x) by the way. I don't want senioritis to take over so I've been fighting it, and winning for the most part. Here's how:

1. Stop Being Lazy.

Get off your butt, get up, do the dishes, do anything and stop being lazy. Get your work done on time. Don't procrastinate. Stop napping on your desk and participate in class. Quit the after-school-nap session that happens everyday and join a gym. Working out and keeping your body healthy will not only boost motivation, but can start putting you towards healthy habits to fight the freshmen 15.... There's only a month left! Don't give up

2. Don't Obsess About the Future

Stop obsessing over your Pinterest boards for you "college dorm" or even "wedding" (ya crazies) and focus on what is going on right now. Pinterest can be a really useful tool for college and everything really! For me though, when I started pinning on a "college dorm wants" board I got obsessed and so excited I would put off my school work and begin the senioritis-coma. Also, we are not guaranteed tomorrow.

3. Be the Class Pet (and be proud)

Take advantage of the teachers in front of you. They have to have some intelligence to become a teacher and I think you'll be surprised at some things you can learn from them.
Do work outside of class like; watch youtube videos on your subject (Khan Academy is an awesome resource), practice problems, an article, or maybe homework...
Don't sleep through classes. Get your work done.

4. Give Yourself Motivators

For me it's the delicious glazed doughnuts from the coffee shop on the square. Those could get me to do anything. Give yourself a treat if you get a B on that super awful College Bio test. Once I bought myself Doc Martens for completing a 28 page research paper. Trust me it helps....

5. Stay Organized

Seriously this is probably the most helpful thing a person could do during senior year!! A ton of scholarships are coming your way and it's really helpful to write down when they are due. Same with your school assignments! During my first semester I found it helpful to take notes in class on my laptop which helped keep me really focused and organized because I knew everyone could see my screen. Although many people don't have the advantage of a laptop in high school, different tools can help with organization (flashcards, notebooks, calendars, agendas, highlighters). Awhile back I painted my wall with chalkboard paint (can find at lowes or hardware stores) and it comes in handy all of the time. It also looks nice when washed to accent just as a black wall. I made a calendar on my chalkboard wall so that I could put sticky note on when things popped up and take it off if something was canceled. (VERY HANDY)

6. Stay Involved

This is self explanatory. Just because it's senior year and school is almost over, does not mean you can skip out on the groups/clubs you're involved in. 

7. Community Service

Give back to the community. Chances are, the community has done something for you and it's your turn to give back. If you are leaving for school, leave your area better than you found it. Not only will this count for volunteer hours for school, but it will also get your mind off the stresses of the future and continue the quest of focusing on the present. Community service is really something I wish I had been more involved in throughout high school. 

8. Be in the Present

Talk to friends and classmates about the classes you're taking now. You will only see these people for a few more months and if they are anything like my classmates, they are all unique and interesting people in their own way. Even though the future looks so awesome, don't forget that life is happening in front of you now.

9. Take Advantage of Time

Time is a precious thing, especially if you're involved in way too much and work. Practice time management, sometimes it helps to make a schedule if there seems to be too much on your plate. Also do something useful with your time (scholarships). Spend time with friends and family. Limit time on social media.

10. Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

No, not the senior prank, graduation! 

My last day of freshmen year. Bittersweet. 

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