The First Step to Becoming Debt Free

Let's talk about the first step to becoming debt free & no, it's not the first baby step! 

If you're thinking about starting your debt-free journey, first congratulations! That is a huge accomplishment and you should be really proud of yourself for putting your mindset into the right direction. 

Before you start your baby steps and snowballing yourself and your family out of debt and into financial freedom, it's important to take note of where you are currently with your spending.

The first step to becoming debt-free is to track your current spending!

Take a month and save every receipt or download a tracking app to see just how much money you're spending. You can always use an excel or google sheet if you're someone that likes to do things manually. I used to track everything on a google sheet before using the everydollar app by Dave Ramsey. 

Once you get a good idea of how much you're spending on the regular, it will be a lot easier t see areas that you may be able to spend less. The best part is that you may not know that you're spending money on eating out or groceries etc.

Once you know how much you're spending then it's time to start your baby step! If you don't know what I'm talking about - check out Dave Ramsey's baby steps to get out of debt! We've been following them ourselves and are currently on baby step #2 (snowballing out of debt from smallest debt to largest). Next will be baby step #3 which is 3-6 months of savings! 

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