Winter Retreat Wk. 2

I had so much fun taking photos for Penndel Youth Ministry this past weekend at their Winter Retreat event. I had so many moments as a teenager at that camp alter where I met God and He poured into my life, influencing me forever. Now as an adult, I get to use the talents God has given me as a ministry. I am able to watch and capture moments when teenagers meet Jesus and surrender their lives to Him.

My faith is a huge part of my life and following Jesus is no easy feat. Though, when you encounter the presence of God, there is nothing that can compare to being with your creator.

I also get to watch some of my incredibly talented friends lead a room into an anointed atmosphere of worship. These are people to surround yourself with.

Below are some of my favorite photos (just a few) because they represent my version of the event -

The camp had brought in evangelist Nate Clarke who spoke life into these student's lives during every service.

Free time is my favorite time.
And I can't leave out the boss, Mark. This week we had a ton of students in our back room learning about the aspects of production. For some of these students, this introduction to media could be the beginning of their professional lives (which is literally so exciting).
There was also an awesome visual of a "missions board" representing projects for Speed the Light that Penndel wants to support. It was so awesome watching leaders go up on stage to turn on their light bulbs and light up an area in faith that God will provide the funds for that project.

Overall it was an awesome weekend as always with some really quality friends and people who feel more like family. Shooting these events brings me so much joy. Can't wait for Week 3!


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